Sunday, February 26, 2017

Here And Now

When you are fully present, you do not miss.
You do not miss the present.
You do not miss the Presence.
You do not miss those who are not there.

When you are fully present, you hit the mark.
You see the point.
You are the point.
Point blank.

When you are fully present, you are at the center. Centered.

Right here, right now.

Thus, there is no wasted moment.
There is no time to judge, evaluate, rationalize, mentalize.

There is no time. Timelessness.
But there is also Time. Timeliness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Recognizing Ego

EGO (or Edging God Out) gets me into false assumptions, incessant mental scriptwriting, and unnecessary emotional drama. Once I recognize Ego as a dark part of myself that needs the Light of God, I acknowledge her presence: “Oh, I see you. Ok, you may go now. Bye-bye.” I believe that this is what ‘dying to self’ means; death of the whining, complaining, unaware small self.

In the above sentence “I see you,” the “I” that is aware of the Ego is the Christ-redeemed “I” or the Self that has been brought out of the darkness into His marvelous Light. This is the True Self that has encountered and accepted The Truth, The Way, The Life. This is the “I” that is empowered to forgive (seventy times seven) anything and anyone, including Ego.

My Self-love is natural and logical, because Self is no longer separated from God. My Self belongs to the Savior, is ONE with the Redeemer in the atONEment. When I love my Self, I love God in me.

I am a spiritual being on a human journey, therefore I am perfectly human (not perfectly dog or grass or notebook). I am a perfect human BEING and BECOMING. My human perfection is not the absence of flaws; it is the presence of God in my human condition.

Once I stop looking at my condition as flawed or bad or ugly or sad or sick and start looking at it without judgment, it loses its power to wear and tear me down. Once I look at my condition as “it is what it is,” I become aware that it is in God’s hands, and anything in God’s hands can only be holy and pure and perfect. Had I not turned my life over to Him when I accepted Christ as my Savior?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Bad Things

A client once asked me why “bad things happen.”

My answer:

Every single thing that we do not like serves a divine purpose. It is a catalyst for change, for awakening, for finding Truth within ourselves, and most importantly, for creating what we authentically want.

Rape. Incest. Lies. War. Famine. Betrayals. Corruption. Racism. Bigotry. Drugs. Congestion. Sickness. Homelessness. Poverty. Holes in our pocket. Stained carpet. Broken cellphones. Rotten food. Mosquito bites. Brownouts.

We do not want this or that. This or that triggers something in us that ultimately leads to the greatest fear - fear of separation from God, our Source.

So what do we want?

We want nice things. Wifi. Electricity. Lots of money. Hugs. Smiles. Food. Honesty. Wellness. Warmth. Clothing. Clean environment. Happiness. Love. Ultimately, we want Peace beyond what our words can convey, the Peace of Knowing that we are really, essentially never separate from Source.

It is not our task to save the world. It is, however, our task to receive salvation for ourselves first. Salvation from our fear-based, ego-powered lives. And so we turn over to the Holy Spirit what we do not want, our 'this' and 'that', and ask that our perception of 'this' and 'that' be changed into holy perception, so that each fearful moment becomes a holy instant, and each fearful perception becomes Christ-Vision.

And then we become healers. We begin to use our tools - time, words, hands, body - to bring Heaven to Earth.

And we become channels of Peace. That is what we authentically want, and who we authentically are.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

THAT Kind of Love

God's LOVE is bigger than all my stupidest mistakes and worst choices.
God's LOVE is more powerful than all my egotistical theatrics.
God's LOVE is unshaken by my darkest, direst, most despicable desires.

God's LOVE is unfazed by all of mankind's maniacal manifestations.
God's LOVE recognizes that the human experience is only part of the human's spiritual truth.

God's LOVE is allowing, because God recognizes only His own Truth in the human journey.
God's LOVE is allowing, because GOD IS LOVE.

And so today I woke up serene and deeply grateful that GOD's LOVE is THAT KIND OF LOVE, and IT IS my REALITY, whether I remember it or not.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Find Your Center

"Find your center."
"Center yourself."

In a universe or cosmos, or dimension, or even in multiverses where there are no perceivable linear boundaries, "center" sounds illogical.

But if your universe is about you (YOUniverse), then you are your center. You bring yourself wherever you go, and as you go, so does your universe. Sometimes you expand it, sometimes you shrink it.

But then again, because you are not who you think you are simply because you did not create yourself, then your center must be your Creator, or God.

Your Creator is your Animator. Your Creator is That Which gives you the vibration called Life. Your Core. Your Nucleus.

So when you "find your Center" and when you "Center yourself," you are consciously connecting to your Creator. And you become more loving, more peaceful, more secure, more at One with all life.

And when I find my own Center, I find you there as well.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Along with the elimination of unnecessary material elements is the elimination of unnecessary thoughts and belief systems.

As we look at a shirt, for example, we ask: 
This black shirt I got from a friend - do I still feel good in this? 
-No. It's too tight. 
Has it served its purpose? 
-Yes. Two years. 
Shall I give it away, give it to someone? 
-Yes. Donate. 
Why should I give it up? 
-It's not needed anymore. 

We can apply the same process to an idea: 
This idea of 'I must think positive all the time' that I got from a workshop - do I still feel good with this? 
-No. It's too heavy, too much pressure. 
Has it served its purpose? 
-Yes, for 10 years. 
Shall I give it away, give it to someone? 
-No. It will create the same pressure in someone. Burn it. 
Why should I burn it? 
-There's a better and lighter idea to replace it: 'I can think negative sometimes and still find it positive.' 

*Here are some minimalisms that are actually huge: 
- I don't know what anything is for, and it's okay. 
- I already have everything I need. 
- I need do nothing. 
- There is nothing to fear. 
- God is the Mind with which I think. 
- God is in everything I see.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Mother Knows Best?

Do you train your child to be obedient to you?
Is it because God speaks to your child through you? 
Do you think God speaks to your child through you because you are older, taller, bigger, heavier, and more mobile than your child? 
Doesn't God speak to your child directly, too, regardless of age, height, size, weight, and all other factors? 
Do you think that only your story, your truth, and your ideas, or those of other authorities, matter in your parenting? 
Do you believe that only your interpretation of God and of life is right, by virtue of your being the parent? 
How about training your child to tune in to his inner being and hear God speaking from within his heart? 
How about training your child to understand that not all communication from God is through you, that she has direct access to God? 
How about debunking the whole idea that Mommy knows best and that Daddy is always right? 
How about debunking the idea that bigger, older, taller is always better and wiser? 
How about getting out of the way and turning over to the Holy Spirit your parent-child dynamics? 
What if God speaks to you through your child, and your child has always been 'right' all along?

Because not all parents listen to God for guidance; most parents listen to ego's fears. 


"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." 1 Cor 1:27

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

There Is Only One Fear

Where does your fear come from?
*Significant others
*Past experiences
*The voice of the majority
*The opinion of someone you admire
*Authority figures

What benefits do you gain from buying into that fear?
*You get to be part of the majority, or the elite minority
*You get to say, "My elders were right - it's a bad world!"
*You get to join a victim party
*You can blame someone or something
*You don't have to be responsible for something

Where does that fear lead you?
*Scarcity Mentality
*Scaredy Mentality


There is only one fear, which is the Mother of all Fears:
👉 the ultimate separation from God or The Source of All Life and Wellbeing.
Whatever your fear is, it tells you that God is not powerful enough, not present enough, not wise enough, not big enough - just not enough.




Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God. (ACIM)