Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Recognizing Ego

EGO (or Edging God Out) gets me into false assumptions, incessant mental scriptwriting, and unnecessary emotional drama. Once I recognize Ego as a dark part of myself that needs the Light of God, I acknowledge her presence: “Oh, I see you. Ok, you may go now. Bye-bye.” I believe that this is what ‘dying to self’ means; death of the whining, complaining, unaware small self.

In the above sentence “I see you,” the “I” that is aware of the Ego is the Christ-redeemed “I” or the Self that has been brought out of the darkness into His marvelous Light. This is the True Self that has encountered and accepted The Truth, The Way, The Life. This is the “I” that is empowered to forgive (seventy times seven) anything and anyone, including Ego.

My Self-love is natural and logical, because Self is no longer separated from God. My Self belongs to the Savior, is ONE with the Redeemer in the atONEment. When I love my Self, I love God in me.

I am a spiritual being on a human journey, therefore I am perfectly human (not perfectly dog or grass or notebook). I am a perfect human BEING and BECOMING. My human perfection is not the absence of flaws; it is the presence of God in my human condition.

Once I stop looking at my condition as flawed or bad or ugly or sad or sick and start looking at it without judgment, it loses its power to wear and tear me down. Once I look at my condition as “it is what it is,” I become aware that it is in God’s hands, and anything in God’s hands can only be holy and pure and perfect. Had I not turned my life over to Him when I accepted Christ as my Savior?

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