Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Creating What We Want Under A Leadership We Don’t Like

We braced ourselves for chaos the first time we realized that the government we wanted did not come into power. That was an intuitive reaction because our souls sensed that only total dismantling and undoing could bring forth total change.

Indeed, that immense change has come from all of us (our belief systems, traditions, choices), is now upon us all, and will be for us all - . For the past months, did we not face bare confrontations with our primal fears? Our relationships were shaken, our long-held thought systems were shaken, our religious traditions were shaken - from inside of us to outside of us.

How, then, DO we create what we want in an environment that we DO NOT completely feel comfortable in, or with people we do not resonate with?

Here are some DO’s and DO NOT’s:

Let us DO flow with the ongoing (infinite) change with radical faith and, whenever possible, positive mindset. Let us DO remain steadfast in focusing on our end goals through mindfulness, and let us DO trust the process. For example, let us:

· choose to spread ONLY what we DO want to see in our lives, our communities, our country;

· choose to pay attention ONLY to the good stuff that we DO want to expand; and

· choose to engage ONLY in conversations and energies and exchanges that bring about what we DO want.

What we DO WANT:

· peace, self-mastery, honesty, respectful dialogues, social responsibility, creativity, compassion, mindful consumption;

· clean streets, safe roads, wealth restoration, lawfulness, equal work opportunities, justice, gender equality, balanced journalism, progressive education, affordable products, reusing, recycling;

· clean air, natural food, conservation of natural resources, unity in diversity, healed minds, healthful lifestyles

If we DO see what we DO NOT want, let us just observe it and let it go. Let it slide. It is NOT for us; it does NOT address us, and it does NOT threaten our Truth.

Let us DO keep aligning with GOD, grounding, meditating, and watching the ego. Let us NOT judge anything even as we let go and freely flow.

On a very practical level, let us DO these abundantly: Laugh. Drink water. Eat more raw and nutritious foods. Unplug more often. Sleep well. Breathe deeply.

DO you resonate with these creations?

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