Sunday, March 26, 2017

Stay Safe

My goodbye expression is usually "stay safe." In the dictionary, this is the meaning of safe:

Safe - (sāf/) Adjective. Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost. Synonyms: secure, protected, shielded, sheltered, guarded , out of harm's way. Also uninjured; with no harm done. Synonyms: unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed, all right, well, in one piece, out of danger, home free. 

--- I thought being 'safe' meant simply being alive, surviving something awful, with body parts and major organs intact; as though being IN the physical body is true safety. 

So I questioned my own expression: "Safe from what?" 

This is what A Course In Miracles answered in Lesson 55 of the workbook: 

"What I see now are signs of disease, disaster and death. This cannot be what God created for His beloved Son. The very fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. Therefore I also do not understand His Son. What I see tells me that I do not know who I am. I am determined to see the witnesses to the truth in me, rather than those which show me an illusion of myself. 

"The world I see is hardly the representation of loving thoughts. It is a picture of attack on everything by everything. It is anything but a reflection of the Love of God and the Love of His Son. It is my own attack thoughts that give rise to this picture. My loving thoughts will save me from this perception of the world, and give me the peace God intended me to have. 

"I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts. Herein lies salvation, and nowhere else. Without attack thoughts, I could not see a world of attack. As forgiveness allows love to return to my awareness, I will see a world of peace and safety and joy. And it is this I choose to see, in place of what I look on now." 

I now believe that being safe means there is no attack, never has been... That regardless of how the physical condition is, the spirit is intact, cared for, safe, loved, and nurtured in God's Truth. 

So the new meaning of my words "stay safe" would be: "give up attack thoughts." 

Stay safe, everyone. We are IN God.

1 comment:

  1. Yes stay safe Momy Dot. In safe no more attact but Love. Everything is just all right and in Love ☺
